We don't want to rely solely on stats, trends, and rankings so we worked out the math to implement a model to predict NFL outcomes against the spread. We call our innovative math model TREND-SEARCH™ and it's based on the best set of trends from a superset of over 1 million data points defined in our proprietary database. The math model is applied to each weekly NFL matchup to find the team that matches the selected trends. Each trend used in our model is updated weekly because the past data that indicates future winners' changes that quickly in the NFL. The TREND-SEARCH math model is 100% objective and quantitative; it incorporates no subjective opinions or assumptions about teams, players, or matchups. Associated with every NFL pick is a mathematical confidence rating of 1 to 5 stars. We always post all the predictions our model made to provide full transparency.

Predictions Summary | Postseason | 2019
Predictions This Week
Predictions Results
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